Washington, D.C., March 1, 2017 — The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) released the following statement on President Trump’s first address to a Joint Session of Congress:
“President Trump’s address called for the rebuilding of our nation’s infrastructure through a $1 trillion proposal financed through public and private capital. The President also noted that this effort would be guided by two core principles: Buy American, and Hire American.
ASLA urges policy makers to support an infrastructure package that is comprehensive and addresses updating and strengthening all forms of community infrastructure, including multimodal transportation corridors, water and stormwater management systems, public lands, parks and recreation facilities, and the unique needs of our coastal communities. Any infrastructure development must include a sound, strategic planning and design process—good design and planning is a smart investment in creating a strong infrastructure and a strong economy.
American landscape architects will be at the forefront of future infrastructure projects that will transform our nation. They have the training, education, and expertise to lead in the design, planning, and implementation of community infrastructure projects in a way that fosters sustainable development, generates jobs, encourages healthy lifestyles, and creates resilient, economically vibrant communities.”
About ASLA
Founded in 1899, the American Society of Landscape Architects is the national professional association for landscape architects, representing more than 15,000 members in 49 professional chapters and 72 student chapters. Members of the Society use “ASLA” after their names to denote membership and their commitment to the highest ethical standards of the profession. Landscape architects lead the stewardship, planning and design of our built and natural environments; the Society’s mission is to advance landscape architecture through advocacy, communication, education and fellowship.