It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity…
—Charles Dickens “A Tale of Two Cities”
We have made the difficult decision to wind down PRISM Sustainability in the Built Environment. We sincerely thank our readers and writers for their amazing contributions over the last five and a half years. It has certainly been the best of times mixed in with some not-so-great times. COVID undoubtedly has changed the world. It has certainly changed the way we conduct business.
On a more personal note, Brian Kapp and I started stoxdox, Inc. last year. During COVID we saw an enormous need for independent, quality investment and stock research. So, after a number of months of working out the details, we launched stoxdox. Brian has been in the professional investment world for 20+ years. I guess you could say as his wife, I’ve been kind of involved as well.
PRISM has published over 4000 articles, including 178 feature articles written by experts in their respective fields. The plan is to keep PRISM online for some time for those readers who continue to use the site as a resource. Currently there are other very good publications for building materials filling this niche.
We are truly grateful for the amazing authors, writers and editors who have contributed to PRISM. Many of these professionals are behind the scenes, tirelessly working to produce quality content for their respective clients. I have had the honor to work with many incredibly talented writers and editors. In particular, I give a special shout out to Heather West, who I have known for 20+ years. Heather is exceptional, a true expert and professional, and I am honored to have had the opportunity to work her. There are many more people I would like to thank but this article would be very long!
As we go forward, we hope that you follow us on linkedin and twitter. In addition, our articles are being published on SeekingAlpha. You can find all of our stock reports on
Wishing you, your family and friends a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year!